Monday, April 8, 2013

Pernetti Out As Rutgers Athletic Director

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Tim Pernetti resigned as Rutgers University Athletic Director Friday, three days after a video showing basketball head coach Mike Rice abusing players and using foul language aired and caused a public outcry.

                                                        Tim Pernetti, 
The video, which surfaced Tuesday, shows Rice grabbing, pushing and slinging basketballs at players, and using homophobic slurs during practice. The university released Pernetti’s detailed letter of resignation Friday morning.

"I write in confirmation of our conversation earlier today during which we agreed that it was in the best interests of Rutgers University that I step down from my position as Director of Intercollegiate Athletics," Pernetti wrote to Rutgers University. "I do so reluctantly because I always have and always will love Rutgers.”

Pernetti seemingly witnessed Rice’s abusive behavior last November when he obtained a copy of the video. But instead of firing Rice, Pernetti fined him $50,000, suspended him for three games the following month, and required him to attend anger management courses.

In the resignation letter, however, Pernetti says his instincts told him harsher punishment was necessary.

"My first instincts when I saw the videotape of Coach Rice's behavior was to fire him immediately," he said. "However, Rutgers decided to follow a process involving university lawyers, human resources professionals, and outside counsel. Following review of the independent investigative report, the consensus was that university policy would not justify dismissal.”

ESPN was the first to expose the video, which caused a national uproar almost immediately. Pernetti ultimately fired Rice the next day. But many people say Pernetti should have fired him immediately after viewing the footage.

Mike Rice, Associated Press

Rutgers President Robert Barchi, who says he didn’t see the video last November, expressed a similar sentiment.

“I know had I seen the tape that my assessment would have differed from theirs, and I would have acted on my assessment,” Barchi said, later adding, “I can’t answer exactly why I didn’t. You can only say in retrospect I sure wish I had.”
Rice has since made a statement, saying he accepts full responsibility for his actions.
“I’ve let so many people down: my players, my administration, Rutgers University, the fans,” Rice told the Associated Press.
“Right now, there’s no explanation for what’s on those films,” Rice continued. “There’s no excuse for it. I was wrong. I want to tell everybody who’s believed in me that I’m deeply sorry for the pain and hardship that I’ve caused.”
Parts of the Rutgers community are speaking out on Pernetti’s behalf. By Friday, about three thousand people became members of a Facebook group calling for him to remain athletic director. Eric LeGrand, a former Rutgers football player who was paralyzed during a game in 2010, also campaigned in Pernetti’s favor.

By Brandon Lee
With contributions by The New Yorks Times, The Associated Press, Rutgers University, Newsmax
Photos, The New York Times, The Associated Press
Video, cooliozone101


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